Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well, hello, again.  After a crazy week, here we are once more.
Here on the farm, new life is pushing through the ground.  Wee little radish, lettuce and sugar pea seedlings. Peonies and my Bleeding heart are also showing their leaves.  Oh!! How I love spring!

Here is a bit of clarification for some of you who have had questions concerning OL' FARMHOUSE  Recipe #1

OL' FARMHOUSE is the name of our business.

Recipe #1 is our first product.

It is an all natural product containing olive oil, juniper, beeswax, and  essential oils. I make no claims as to its healing virtues, but many other people do.
I created this balm for my family.  My idea was to use it as a first aid ointment.  Then after a while we started using it for other purposes.  Soon friends and family started using it also.  Seeing that humans are very intelligent, they began coming up with other uses for the balm.

Here is a list of reported uses:
              cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, bites, sores, cracked dry skin,diaper rash, chaffing, eczema, chapped lips, facial moisturizer, itchy old scars, pressure sores, unidentified dermatological out breaks.... And probably some uses that I don't want to know about.

All but one individual states that it has a very pleasant fragrance.  Men like it because it doesn't smell 'girlie' and women like it because it doesn't smell 'manly'.  Whatever!  Aren't we humans just the funniest creatures? I have several men who carry the small trial size in their pocket everyday.  Women who carry it in their purses.  It rests on tables by 'the favorite chair', on bedside tables and in first aid boxes.  Mommies want to keep it in their diaper bags.  It lives on work desks and  in gardeners tool boxes, in mechanics shops and banker's desks, on carpenter's workbenches and next to wheelchairs.

As for the price, pretty cheap for something so useful.   The large round tin (approx. 2oz) is $6.95 plus shipping and handling.  The small, trial size tin (1/4oz size) is $1.75 plus shipping.

Depending on level of usage, a large tin could last 5 months and the smaller about 1 month.  Although I had one individual who used the entire trial size in 2 days, called me back and said it was the greatest thing they had ever used.

This is especially helpful to those who have diabetes, also those who are confined to bed or wheelchair. Wound care specialists have been amazed at quick recovery of those using Recipe #1.

As far as ordering/purchasing goes, you may call, email or write.  I only have it in one store as of yet, but Lord willing it will be in more stores soon.
If for some strange reason you don't see the need for any Recipe #1 in your own life, I will just about guarantee that you know someone  who really needs this and could greatly benefit.

I know that I may sound a bit egotistical, but I get calls and comments regularly about this fabulous stuff.
I realize and readily admit that it is not me nor really the balm that heals.  God is the One who heals.  He made us, He made the ingredients in the balm and He is the One who gave me the wisdom to know how to mix the ingredients.

Give me a shout and I will be happy to fill your request for your own tin of OL' FARMHOUSE  Recipe #1  Soothing Balm.
                                  OL'  FARMHOUSE
                                 c/o SARA R. DAVIS
                                  3603 CR 647
                                 GREEN FOREST, AR 72638

                or               870-480-7703

You'll be glad you did!! And so will your friends and family.
Have a blessed day!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Process of time.

Isn't time such a friend!?! Or is it your foe?
Time does so much to people, things, and places.  The babies become "the kids", then before we can hardly blink an eye they are married and gone.  All the while, time is changing us, too. Our young smooth skin turns to soft velvety wrinkles, and our dark hair turns to platinum.  Some see this as a foe, but everyone knows that aged cheese and aged wines are considered more valuable.  You will usually pay more for the antiques that the new.  Of course!  Aged people are incredibly valuable, too.  They have gathered more pearls of wisdom than the youngsters.
In the process of time, trees grow from acorns to mighty oaks.  Acts of God may change the landscape and move around the things that are there.  All in the process of time.
We can view time as our friend or our foe.  That all depends on how we choose to look at it. 

Time has been a friend to me.  In the process of time, we now have OL' FARMHOUSE  Recipe #1 Soothing Balm, in 1 store and another soon to follow.  Those individuals who have used it are so excited about it that they can't keep quiet.  Some have had phenomenal results that even I could not have predicted. That is what happens when you use God's ingredients and His recipe and give the whole business back to Him!

Some of you have had difficulty contacting me.  Be sure that you include my middle initial in the email address:    or you can call me or text me @ 870-480-7703.

I would love to hear from

Friday, March 18, 2011

Life's bumpy road

We live on a dirt road.  Our children call it the bumpy road. In contrast, the paved road is the soft road. I think about that and it reminds me of life.
A paved road might be smoother, but you are more likely to bypass a neat treasure along the way.  You are also more likely to have an accident.  The 'bumpy' road, however, makes you slow down and enjoy the scenery. You probably won't be having too many accidents on the 'bumpy' road either, for lack of traffic and slower speed.
How like life! When life seems to be a soft road, we get to traveling too fast and that is when we begin making our mistakes and having accidents.  We also begin to pass up some of the more precious and beautiful treasures of life.
Sometime when life's road gets bumpy, we tend to complain. What we don't realize is that this bumpier road is an opportunity.  An opportunity to slow down, look around, find the hidden treasures.  There are a lot of small beautiful treasures given to us in this life, but we are going too fast to see them. 
The little flowers along the path, or a brand new day waking in the east.  The smile of a child, the sparkle in the eye of the one you love.  A sparrow on the fence rail, and the tiny little honey bee gathering pollen from the henbit.
When life is a smooth road, we tend to pass these things.  Yes, it may be a more comfortable ride, but what do we miss out on?
The bumpy road may feel a little more painful, but it makes us slow down and enjoy the little things.
Yes, when it is all said and done, its the bumpy road for me!!!  I only have one life to live and I don't want to miss any of the important things.
Slow down today and take the road less traveled.  You'll be glad you did!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Have you tried OL' FARMHOUSE???

Yeah!!!  We made our first official sale!! 
How many of you have tried Recipe #1??  You know, it is for more than just your scrapes and cuts.  This is a "use everyday" product.  Hardly a day goes by that my children don't come to me for a dab of Recipe #1.  My husband carries a trial size tin in his pocket.  He uses it regularly for dry skin and chapped lips. 
With gardening season coming up, I suspect that more people will use it on a daily basis.  Those who garden won't want to be without!!  Not to mention, those with sensitive hands, sores, chapped lips, hangnails and children!
If you don't have at least one tin, then you are really missing out!  If you have tried it and know how good it is, then please, pass the word, tell a friend and share this blog.  Let your friends try a dab for themselves. 
Remember-- Recipe #1 is not a medicine!! It is a Soothing Balm.  It can be used as often as one would want and anywhere on the body.  It is 100% natural and 100% safe.  Try it on yourself, your children, your elderly, your pets.....  You will be happy with the results!
  Call me or e-mail me today for your own tin! 870-480-7703 

Oh yes, Recipe #2 is in the wings ready soon for marketing.  Just waiting on the market to catch up with us!

Ask your favorite store to carry OL' FARMHOUSE products. As long as it is not Wal-Mart, we'll talk. 

Oh and the apricot tree is in bloom here at the farm!  The farm is waking from its long winter's nap!! Hooray!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The adventure of life

Here we are again, another cloudy day.  My boy is down with a flu bug. The rest of my peas are waiting to be planted and so are my beets. 
You see, here is where my title comes in to the picture.  If we always knew what the weather would do, where would be the adventure in that?? God sends what He knows that we need.  And right when we need it.  If the forecasters were always right, they might think more highly of themselves than they should.  And we might begin to view them as little gods, too. Besides, who wants the same all the time?
If my little one never got sick, I might not get those sweet snuggles anymore.  (You see, he is too "big" for that) And he might never slow down long enough for me to get to talk with him.  Such a busy little guy! I am sorry that he is sick, but WOW my house is quiet and calm for a change!  Now he can rest and sleep and mommy can hold him and look at those perfect plump red lips. What a beautiful child!
My peas and beets can wait a few days more.  That way they won't all come off at once!
If we knew yesterday, what today would bring, what would we have done differently? Probably tried  to change things so that we would not feel the pain of our todays.  But therein lies the adventure! In the surprise. He knows what we need and just how much we can handle.  He gives us grace for each day, if we can but trust in Him.
I see that in every area of my life.  Even in the work with my Recipe #1. It seems that each day is a lesson in trusting.  Trusting God to open the doors.  To lead me to companies and individuals that can help in the next step of the process. And know what??  He has never failed me yet!

I have 53  two ounce tins ready to sell and 56 1/4 ounce tins.  Labeled and ready!  That is a beautiful sight!  Now where to go with them?  I have several individuals who wanted some.  But not 53 people.  Yet.
 But soon I will have a place to go with them all and will be needing more.  I will trust Him and He will help me to find just the right people and companies.
If you or someone you know is interested, call or e-mail me!  We are in business!!!
My phone number is 870 480-7703 and my e-mail is 
Hopefully soon we will have it in stores, until then, pass along the word to all your friends!
May we all have a blessed week and remember that if we will trust in Him, He will go with us on this exciting adventure of life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A new week - A new beginning

We got the garden tilled and a few items planted. 'Course only our cold crop items.  Peas (a week or so late, oh well), lettuce, radishes, onions.  Just a start, but that is how it works right??

We got the labels for our balm on Friday afternoon. I will be rolling off our first batch either today or tomorrow. 
We are so excited and believe that this is the beginning of great things. I already feel that I will be needing to order more supplies soon.  Just a hunch!
But just like the garden:  Great things come from small beginnings. From an acorn grows the mighty oak. From one kernel of corn come many.  From a few sales of balm will come a growing, flourishing business.
It is new and fresh territory for us, but isn't that what adventure is all about?

Have you used this balm?? If not you don't know what you are missing. And to be sure you and someone you know could benefit. Those who have used it can testify to that!
This has become our first aid kit - OL' FARMHOUSE   Recipe#1  Soothing Balm  & Band-aids.  All we need.

Hand lotion, antibiotic, lip balm, itch cream, burn salve, you name it!

Some might wonder, where is Recipe #2???  Hmmm... hang around and you'll find out.  Why in the recipe file!  Where else?  Got to take one step first before you can run, right??
My next step is to get Spanish labels.  The hispanics are almost as excited as we are!  Oh, I love that support!!
What would I do without all the loving support and encouragement of my friends and family?  Quit!  And a quitter never wins, so my sweet grandma always said.  Have a great week and call me or e-mail me to order for you or a friend.    8 70-480-7703