Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The adventure of life

Here we are again, another cloudy day.  My boy is down with a flu bug. The rest of my peas are waiting to be planted and so are my beets. 
You see, here is where my title comes in to the picture.  If we always knew what the weather would do, where would be the adventure in that?? God sends what He knows that we need.  And right when we need it.  If the forecasters were always right, they might think more highly of themselves than they should.  And we might begin to view them as little gods, too. Besides, who wants the same all the time?
If my little one never got sick, I might not get those sweet snuggles anymore.  (You see, he is too "big" for that) And he might never slow down long enough for me to get to talk with him.  Such a busy little guy! I am sorry that he is sick, but WOW my house is quiet and calm for a change!  Now he can rest and sleep and mommy can hold him and look at those perfect plump red lips. What a beautiful child!
My peas and beets can wait a few days more.  That way they won't all come off at once!
If we knew yesterday, what today would bring, what would we have done differently? Probably tried  to change things so that we would not feel the pain of our todays.  But therein lies the adventure! In the surprise. He knows what we need and just how much we can handle.  He gives us grace for each day, if we can but trust in Him.
I see that in every area of my life.  Even in the work with my Recipe #1. It seems that each day is a lesson in trusting.  Trusting God to open the doors.  To lead me to companies and individuals that can help in the next step of the process. And know what??  He has never failed me yet!

I have 53  two ounce tins ready to sell and 56 1/4 ounce tins.  Labeled and ready!  That is a beautiful sight!  Now where to go with them?  I have several individuals who wanted some.  But not 53 people.  Yet.
 But soon I will have a place to go with them all and will be needing more.  I will trust Him and He will help me to find just the right people and companies.
If you or someone you know is interested, call or e-mail me!  We are in business!!!
My phone number is 870 480-7703 and my e-mail is 
Hopefully soon we will have it in stores, until then, pass along the word to all your friends!
May we all have a blessed week and remember that if we will trust in Him, He will go with us on this exciting adventure of life.

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