Monday, April 11, 2011

Happenings on the Farm

The farm is a very busy place this time of year. 
We have been hauling rocks to build a rock wall in front of the house around the flower bed.  My dream is to have a  perennial flower bed surrounded by a rock wall. Inside the garden will be a bench for reading, bird watching, dreaming, and yes some day, for courting.  What a special place for courting for my children when they are of age.  But see, the beauty is that I can tell them, "No, you may not court her, the flower garden isn't done." Hmm... wonder if I will ever get it done?
We planted impatiens in front of the porch and dahlias at the corner.  Irises are in bloom as are the lilacs.  Oh!! And our neighbor has his mama cows in the pasture right out our back door. Every single day there are new baby calves to watch.  They are so cute! Tottering, wobbling, falling and trying all over again.  In less than a week they are running and chasing each other and staring curiously at us.  How I love to take my morning coffee to the porch swing and just sit and watch the show.  All to the soft music of the birds and the distant crowing of a rooster or bleating of a sheep.  Ah! Isn't farm life just the best?
Of course, if our steers see that I am outside and not feeding them or petting them, they start bawling and bellowing.  They are quite spoiled!  Thankfully, it doesn't taint the meat, just their character.
The little farm girl is almost out of school for the year! Wow! Then we will have day after day to just run and play and get as dirty as a little piggy.  (Her brother already does!  But that's what boys are supposed to do.)
For those of you who have tried to post comments, um, I don't know what the deal is but I can't seem to access the comments.  Hmmm...... Must not be technical enough for me. 
I guess if you have comments you'll just have to e-mail them to me right now.  Sorry.
The littlest farmer just asked me if today is tomorrow and if when tomorrow is here will it still be tomorrow?  Hm, that is a very interesting thought.  If tomorrow is tomorrow why is it today once it gets here?  Never mind!!
Be watching for some very exciting news coming in the very near future!!! You don't want to miss out on this!  Make sure you visit the blog regularly for the next couple of weeks!  Actually there are two bits of news!  There is the one about.. oh!!! I almost let it out!  Just come back real soon, okay?

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