Monday, May 2, 2011

The Things We Take For Granted

Wow! Rain!  That has been the story for about a week now.  It is amazing what the force of many rushing waters can do! We have seen the effects of the overflowing creeks and rivers right around here.  Rushing water alone can change the lay of the land.  Hmmm.... wonder what forty days and forty nights worth would do to change the Earth???? 
I have been thinking much these days about the many things that we take for granted.  "Oh," you might say " I know we do take things for granted." But are you thinking the same things as I?  Sure, we all know that we take our American freedoms for granted, but I am thinking of more than that.
I am thinking of some of the little things.
Take the honeybee for example. We go to the store and buy honey.  We pick up some fruit and vegetables while we are in town, maybe a peach, an apple or eggplant for supper. Then we pull OL' Farmhouse Recipe #1 out of our purse or pocket and slather it on chapped lips.
Did you stop to think about all that?
I would say, probably not.
You would have no honey if there weren't some very busy little honey bees working away somewhere.  None at all! Those fruits and veggies... they don't just happen you know.  Those busy little workers, flying from flower to flower, are what got the pollen to the right flower at the right time to make the fruit or vegetable grow.  What of the beeswax in that soothing balm that keeps it in the tin instead of running out into your purse or pocket?
What about all of those raindrops??  Oh, I know, we got a little overwhelmed and maybe even griped a bit about all that water.  But think about it...
Come summer, we will be very hot.  What will be in our mind?  A swim in the river? Filling up the swimming pool?  A drink of cold water?  Maybe watermelon... With what will the river be filled?  Rain.  With what will we fill the swimming pool?  Purified rainwater.  Where will your drink of water come from? Purified rainwater.(Whether bottled, spring water or well water.) Hmmm... makes me thankful for every single raindrop that fell and even is falling now!
And that rocky Arkansas soil? Yep, that too.  Those rocks kept us from being completely washed into the Mississippi River.  How? Well, though many small rocks moved, the biggest ones stayed put.  It just so happens that most houses are built upon foundations.  Those foundations are made of rocks, big or little. Oh my! We just don't think about that when we are tilling our gardens do we?
A bit more personal...  Do you have eyes?  I should hope, since you are reading this. But when did you stop to think about them? They work, right?  They  work very hard in fact!  And your ears?  Oh goodness sakes, Sara! You are making some folks think a bit harder than maybe they wanted to think on a Monday! 
Ah! My next point made! You have a very intelligent brain inside your head. I know, some of us use ours  more than others.  Nah, just kidding! But did you stop and have to tell your eyes what they were seeing?  Did you have to tell them to blink? Nope, that brain of yours took care of that for you!
Did you eat today? Think on that one a minute.
Did anyone smile at you today? Wow! When we really start to think, those special miraculous blessings of God just add up, don't they?
Let me share just one more thing.  There was a royal wedding this weekend.  I stopped and wondered what it would be like to be a common girl and be marrying a future king. What kind of feelings a girl might have of both awe and fear.  Then I
        The King of the Universe has invited me to marry Him! What a privilege! There will soon be a royal wedding.  I will be in the Bride and wear a spotless white gown.  I will live in, not just a palace, but a whole city made of pure gold! Cake? Yeah, probably Angel Food!  A whole marriage supper.  A honeymoon? Yep, for all of eternity! Never ending bliss in the arms of the One that my soul loves.
But I must build on our relationship that we have now.  I can't get sloppy in my day to day life! It isn't befitting the Bride of Christ.  Talk about Royal protocol!  Does it matter how we live, dress, talk?  You better believe it! The King will not marry a harlot! He will marry a virgin, one who has kept herself from the things of the low life.  Yes, the Bride of Christ will be different than everyone else. She will stand out as different in the way she dresses, talks, and behaves herself.  What an awesome responsibility.  Yet, so many times we take this, the invitation to be wed to  the King, for granted. We do get sloppy.  We try to blend in. We forget or maybe some even ignore, this awesome invitation.  Hmmm.... Are you ignoring the invitation? Are you getting sloppy? Are you living the low life?  You are invited to be His Bride.
If you need to talk about this and want to talk with me privately.. email me .
What are you taking for granted?

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